II International Conference of the Research Centre on Literary Tourism (TULE) – Literary tourism in holiday and escape destinations

II International Conference of the Research Centre on Literary Tourism (TULE) – Literary tourism in holiday and escape destinations

  • Apresentação:

    The Centre for Research on Literary Tourism (TULE), which promoted its first International Conference at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, in November 2022, is announcing its second International Conference at the Management, Hospitality and Tourism School, University of the Algarve, Portugal, on the 22nd and 23rd September 2023. Through specific cases, the TULE II International Conference aims to examine how literary tourism has developed or is likely to create and expand leisure and escape (past and present) destinations.

    TULE welcomes submissions in (but not restricted to) the following topics:
    ✓ the role of leisure and escapism in literary tourism
    ✓ literary tourism and the psychology of leisure
    ✓ representations of literary tourism as escapism or leisure
    ✓ writers' holiday and escape destinations
    ✓ literary tourism in holiday destinations (practices and potential)
    ✓ motivations and experiences of literary tourism as leisure and escape
    ✓ immersive experiences of literary tourism
    ✓ case studies on the potential of literary tourism as leisure or an escape
    ✓ literary tourism and geographies of islands as leisure and escape destinations
    ✓ projects for enhancing literary spaces linked to holiday destinations that have not been studied or promoted.

    Submissions: 300-word proposals must be sent to tule.literarytourismresearch@gmail.com by 10 May 2023. The organisers will communicate acceptance by 31 May 2023. All submitted proposals undergo a double-blind peer-review process.

    Conference Languages: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and English.
    Presentations: 20 minutes.

    Publication opportunities: the TULE Conference Proceedings Series (Perugia Stranieri University Press) and the Dos Algarves: Tourism, Hospitality & Management Journal. All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer-review editorial process.

    Sem website

  • Ligação:
  • https://www.isg.pt/

  • Data Final: 10/05/2023

Algarve, 22-23 September 2023

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