8th International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance

8th International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance

  • Apresentação:

    Present your research at the world's leading academic conference on management
    Join us on 26–28 July 2024 in Dublin, Republic of Ireland for the 8th International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance (ICMEF). Between engaging presentations, buzzing networking, and immersive learning opportunities, this conference is a must-attend event for scholars, researchers, scientists, and other members of academia.

    Take note of the important deadlines – whether you’re joining as a virtual, poster, or oral presenter or attendee. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get published in indexed journals and share your findings with our extensive network of international academics. Plus, a free tour of the beautiful city of Dublin will ensure that this is the one event you will remember for years to come.

    As a Listener, ICMEF not only will learn you things outside your field of expertise, but it gives you the chance to talk to people face to face about their current project or research. Even if you don’t wish to network with the folks specifically, they could nevertheless provide you with suggestions for improving your own job or enlighten you with some fresh insights and information. As a consequence, you will leave ICMEF having advanced in level as a scholar.

    We invite you to contribute to the continuous development of the fields of management, economics, and finance. See you at ICMEF!
    Ready to Take Your Career to the Next Level? Don't Miss These Conference Deadlines
    Paper Submission: 05 July 2024

    Early Registration: 30 April 2024

    Late Registration: 16 July 2024

  • Ligação:
  • https://www.icmef.org/about-icmef/

  • Data Final: 05/07/2024

26 – 28 July 2024. Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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