21st IECER Entrepreneurship Conference

21st IECER Entrepreneurship Conference

  • Apresentação:

    From Creative to Circular Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Stairway to Heaven

    The 21st IECER Conference will take place from October 25-27, 2023 at the University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal under the theme: “From Creative to Circular Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Stairway to Heaven”.
    This year we want to build a bridge between creative and circular entrepreneurship, to bring together young and senior researchers addressing entrepreneurship, making use of eclectic approaches, and combining different scientific areas and distinct geographical origins, at the international level. Starting from creativity towards entrepreneurship, with the aim of strengthening the innovation capacity of nations, regions, established companies and startups, involves embodying creativity with new circular approaches oriented towards efficiency, flexibility, productivity, and sustainability. Traditional activities, crafts, culture, natural resources, and intellectual capital (e.g., human, social and organisational) embedded in regions, cities, and knowledge engines: universities; international and national science and technology systems; governance systems; and entrepreneurial, innovative, and sustainable ecosystems; play an important role to be explored in the dynamic framework of creative and circular entrepreneurship.

    This year IECER will be hosted at Covilhã, UNESCO Creative City - a traditionally creative and manufacturing city, which is evolving to a circular knowledge-based pathway - in the Beiras and Serra da Estrela Region, Portugal, in collaboration with the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and the Business Sciences Research Unit (NECE).

    Check out our tracks and call for papers by April 1st and see you all in Covilhã!

  • Ligação:
  • https://www.iecer-conference.org/

  • Data Final: 01/06/2023

October 25-27, 2023 at the University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal

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